ABC Team

Team photo

A family shelters in place and a Salesforce wellness app is hatched. Sister Mary, Brother Joe, and Daughter/Niece Alex have varying backgrounds, skill sets and motivations but that’s what’s made this project so entertaining and fun.  Despite their differences, a few things are consistent across the board – they are passionate about working hard, tackling projects, taking care of themselves, and having a great time.

Sister – Mary Noyes lives, works and plays under a family built entrepreneurial roof supported by two pioneer structures: Play-Doh and Aircast.  Mary currently serves on several boards across multiple industries including sports medicine, arts, and athletics.  

Brother – Joe McVicker is a software architect with a career-long focus on simplifying customer-facing solutions. Over his 30+ years in the industry, he has designed and delivered systems for the Wall Street Journal and Lipper Analytical (now Reuters), Frito-Lay, the United Nations, Target Stores, and numerous other enterprises.  Right now, Joe is focused on providing services around The platform has really improved the level of polish for sales and marketing activities. Another one of his passion projects is teaching computer programming to high schoolers at Long Trail School.

Daughter/Niece – Alexandra Noyes is starting her MBA at Babson College. Most recently she worked with a group of powerhouse women in Portland, ME developing, launching and growing health and wellness CPG brands.

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